Store Returns & Refunds Policies

  • To be eligible for exchanges/returns, the item(s) must be in its original conditions with original tags intact  (unworn, unscented, unwashed, unaltered).
  • Return item must reach us within 2 weeks from the date you receive your package.
  • All returns will strictly be refunded via store credits.  You may use the store credits to purchase or exchange for other design(s).
  • Sales items are not allowed for return or refund. Purchases made using discount codes are entitled for return & refund requests.

We reserve the rights to reject any exchange / returns should the above conditions not being fulfilled. Please mail the return with trackable mailing service. We will not be liable for any lost of package if you proceed with non-trackable mail. We will process the request only when we receive the return pieces.

For this request, please drop us an email with the following to

  • Your order Number #
  • Reason for the return
  • For defect pieces, please attach clear photos of the defect part

We will get back within 1-3 business days with the next course of actions.

If you need further assistance on this, you may reach out to us via Email/Website Chat/Instagram DM.